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(Reporter Yi Fang Xing) yesterday, six were from the "black jail" was rescued off Changping Beiqijia who came to the police station, the police sent for a banner. Police said the "black prison" system a "security company" run.

July 12,moncler sito ufficiale, a village located on the north side of the seven Beiqijia Town "black jail" was closed down police, 13 people were illegally detained were rescued.

A woman was thrown into the mountains

It was kept by introduction, is among the oldest off 81-year-old woman, the youngest still nursing.

Yesterday, police said,http://www.skiblog.de/forum/profile.php?id=1627,abercrombie outlet, one of his wife Jiangsu, with the same county a few people together in Beijing, then thrown into a dark prison.

"The police raid that morning I was them out, the van has a tattoo of a few men escorted me to a place surrounded by mountains,abercrombie outlet, let me get off," his wife Wei Yan Tingzhong safflower memories, their own When pushed off head hit the stone, fainted when wake up in the afternoon, "all around the mountain,http://smarthomeshack.com/forum/profile.php?id=92780, even the shadows are invisible." said Wei safflower,http://www.aiwuzhe.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=,moncler sito ufficiale, begging her all the way, go out more than a dozen talented.

"Security company" do black jails

Yesterday, police said, this place is a black prison system "security company" run, grab hired specifically to reflect the situation of workers in Beijing. However,http://www.aurosiksha.org/login/index.php?item/create_form/1, the police did not disclose the identity of hire.

It was held here in Ma Guohua, said when he was let out, saw a man give these unidentified guards money. It is understood,abercrombie milano outlet, is calculated according to 500 yuan per day.

Reporters noted that in a list of 40 to be shut off those who were offered, 17 people from Jiangsu Yancheng, Yancheng Funing five of whom are people. Yesterday, five people said they were arrested the same day, both in the long Jing Zhuang surname reception center to see the hair Secretary Yancheng Funing Petition Bureau.

In this regard, the Secretary surnamed Mao said,http://www.aurosiksha.org/login/index.php?item/create_form/1,abercrombie outlet online, I do not know Laijingrenyuan shut issue. "Beijing is so big, they love where to go, which I Guan Dele, I do not know their movements,http://gamsa.net/guestbook/index.php?item/create_form/1, unless they take the initiative to find me."

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3-meter-high fence around the ruins

Seven Beiqijia Town Village on the north side, a little less than 300 square meters of homes,, red iron gate, surrounded by about three meters high gray walls, surrounded by ruins after the demolition. If no one alarm, who can not think of here at once,http://bbs.huanqiu.com/forum.php?mod=forumdisplay&fid=114&filter=typeid&typeid=180&mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=,hogan 2014, "black jails." One scavengers, said the villagers would not have come here usually, but "never saw the red iron gate opened."

Yesterday,air jordan pas cher, the yard was empty, only a broken lock on the ground guang. Ground floor of the house can still see traces played. The kitchen filled with the smell of rancid, dozens of little fist-sized bread resting on the stove, have mildew. Wall, hanging a few dishcloths, have become black, a "sticky fly paper",giubbotto woolrich, the dense adhesion hundreds of dead flies.

"Black jails" not far behind, is a waste recycling company. A staff introduction,woolrich outlet italia, this yard are generally monthly rent about two thousand dollars, "but this is not our company's yard,woolrich 2013, do not know when people rent."