
Oriental Morning Post reporter Gu Jian Li Shuping November 26, 2009 morning, the Shanghai Maritime University, Faculty of Law 2009 graduate Yang Yuanyuan was found in a dormitory bathroom and hanged himself with a towel.

Two weeks later, the death of Yang Yuanyuan due to a post triggered a heated debate of the network. Posts directed, the school deliberately concealed the truth Yang Yuanyuan, death, and of his death that the school's "forcibly expel people."

According to the post saying, is the object of the school oust Yang Yuanyuan's mother, because of poverty, the mother had enrolled in the Yang Yuanyuan after about two months, with the students in the school dormitory.

Yesterday,scarpe hogan uomo, the school responded that serious discrepancies post content with the facts. School transcripts of evidence, including a mother Yang Yuanyuan made after the incident, and "meet the reasonable range of facts and truth."

The school said that the families of the current death raised 350,000 yuan compensation request.

Posted by: Mother has been thrust her nervous breakdown

According to the description of the net posts,scarpe hogan outlet, the morning of November 26, Shanghai Maritime University, Faculty of Law graduate 09 Yang Yuanyuan, a graduate student in the school dormitory bathroom towel with two tied the body hanging in the bathroom faucet, squat forward to a kind of extremely painful way to end his own life.

The posts, said Yang Yuanyuan six years old his father died, and his mother always had each other, wandering survive. After college debt and loans, she enrolled in the Shanghai Maritime University Law School graduate maritime public expense, together with his mother on the school, would like to continue to take care of while reading the side of his mother. School due to poverty and geographical isolation renting easy,http://www.xq0757.com/read.php?tid=283372, Yuan Yuan and her mother being squeezed in a small dorm bed will survive.

This post describes the "School expel people triggered suicide" issue:. "Period, Yuan Yuan repeatedly apply to schools, explain the situation, requesting that schools can appreciate their special circumstances, but school leaders to make the mother temporary indifference, first say, ' money should not be used to read ', then gave a forever unfulfilled' verbal commitment will arrange to solve 'the. Yuan Yuan desperation only looking around the room at the time also seek to rent unfunded schools suddenly thrust force people, expressly prohibit their mother and then into the dormitory,abercrombie and fitch soldes, even ordinary visits will be subject to normal 'countryman' insults and threats 'no diploma', the mother telling her daughter were forced to sit in the cold wind howling in school Before hall overnight! unfunded when looking for housing, school-related personnel continue to put pressure on Yuan Yuan, causing the five days and five nights without sleep,http://bbs.xinmeng.org/thread-1638026-1-1.html, the spirit of Yuan Yuan's complete collapse in despair, took place on November 26 in the morning hanging in the bathroom of Room Tragedy. "

Yang Yuanyuan brother,hogan uomo, said in an interview last night, online posts are friends cousin Yang Yuanyuan issued. After the incident, family members and school staff on how to deal with related issues differ greatly. Yang Yuanyuan cousin's friend after I heard that,hogan outlet, according to the cousin's telling, Yang Yuanyuan things will post to the web.

Since then, many students know after his brother Yang Yuanyuan also help thread and top posts.

Family: questioning the school delay the rescue time

Yang Yuanyuan's brother, said at 7:20 on the 26th or so, the mother may feel that Yang Yuanyuan accident, to 7:30 to explain the situation around begging dorm staff upstairs to check request was flatly rejected dorm staff, verbal abuse oust.

At 8:40 or so, Yang Yuanyuan phone again request that they help students borrow the keys to check the situation, and dorm staff actually disappeared after the investigation room. In the meantime, a classmate Yang Yuanyuan mother to make a telephone call said only one sentence: "Auntie You Come!" Another male dorm Young mother came downstairs before the keys upstairs, and wait until they open the door to save again , it was already around 9:00.

Family members believe that the cause Yang Yuanyuan rescue time from 7:20 to 9:00 has been delayed,louboutin femme pas cher, there are loopholes in the school dormitory management of emergency, and this led directly to the Yang Yuanyuan misfortune.

School: there is no "sudden oust" the old man

Yang Yuanyuan questioned for families and friends,http://xingwen.zhanlue.cc/plus/feedback.php?aid=41643, the school said that serious discrepancies content with the fact that post. The school confirmed that the September 12 enrollment report since Yang Yang Yuanyuan parent living with one bedroom, sleeping in the same bed. It is understood that the two bedroom house for graduate students, and includes a separate toilet.

Officials said that because the feel inconvenience, originally a bedroom and Yang Yuanyuan students to learn Jiaoxueshengchu subsequently proposed requiring replacement quarters, and the requirement to obtain the consent of the school.

During the school after the discovery of Young mother staying dormitories,christian louboutin soldes, because the associated accommodation requirements related to the teacher and her daughter on several occasions to talk about Yang Yuanyuan, asking them to comply with school regulations, recommendations Young mother to live off campus.

"After Yang Yuanyuan submitted an application to the school authorities, is intended to require the school to help their mothers to arrange accommodation and find a job in the campus student apartments. Responsible for the teacher and her daughter talk again about Yang Yuanyuan, a better understanding of her situation, for She promised to help them apply for schools looking for housing,hogan 2014, provide rental information for her. "Liu said Director of Studies Jiaoxueshengchu.

Young mother moved after neighborhood near Marine, and the owner is a physical education teacher Maritime University. Officials said that after the communication, the mother and daughter around November 20 to hire a family unit, a physical education teacher on campus, the rent is 450 yuan per month.

Excerpts Picture Post trainee reporter Adrian

Both sides say

Yang Yuanyuan, work-study schools had arranged rent subsidy

"School leadership is absolutely no indifference"

For Yang Yuanyuan event, attitude schools is "deplored", and that the death of Yang Yuanyuan,http://www.corelearningunit.nhs.uk/item/create_form/1, for their families, schools, and countries are a "loss."

Schools emphasized posts described in the "school forcibly evict people, expressly prohibit their mother and then into the dormitory,woolrich milano,http://www.klonopinbuy.fora.pl/index.php?item/create_form/1, and even visits will be subject to ordinary normal" redneck "of abuse and" no diploma threat ", this situation is not exist.

In addition, Yang mother moved from school to school, the time of nearly 70 days, indicating that the school has been given ample time to move out, which is inconsistent with the "school suddenly forced to expel people" description.

School said that from the beginning of November, the school actively arrange Yang Yuanyuan, work-study, in order to subsidize the rent, not a "school leadership indifference", the school has never said, "money should not be read" remarks. Meanwhile, the school has been actively considered for Young mother looking for work, and looking at before the incident is still underway.

The school stressed that since the establishment of Shanghai Maritime University, the school is not a case of students drop out due to poverty cases occur.

In addition, posting the network, there is the poster questioned "After the incident, the school has blocked the message" too. In this regard, Maritime University, said the school just do not want thus causing panic.

Families will not put the responsibility entirely blame schools

But never agreed to School "no responsibility"

From the November 26 incident, Yang Yuanyuan, brother, cousin,http://237.newfine.net/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, grandmother, uncle,louboutin chaussures femme, aunt, brother's girlfriend and other six family members rushed to Shanghai from the field.

Yesterday, Yang Yuanyuan's mother, uncle still living in the school hostel deal with the aftermath. Schools,http://www.1luxiangbei.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=4982843&extra=, said board is currently responsible for the above-mentioned relatives schools.

The school said that, at present, Yang Yuanyuan's family to the school proposed to 350,000 yuan in compensation for death.

According to the school's argument, this 350,000 yuan in compensation for death, 50,000 yuan was used to take care of things,moncler online outlet,http://www.9966sk.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=1678/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, in addition to the 300,000 yuan Yang mother used to purchase housing.

Last night, Yang Yuanyuan brother in an interview with Post reporters, said the family believes the death of Yang Yuanyuan, they will not put the responsibility entirely to blame the school, but they will never agree to School "no responsibility" argument. They believe that Yang Yuanyuan is his first spur of suicide, but school dorm staff bad attitude towards their mothers how much Yang Yuanyuan also played a "waves" role.

They want the school the first to admit this fact occurred in the course, the school is bear some responsibility, have to deal with responsible people, to give Yang Yuanyuan will organize a farewell, and let the responsible person to apologize to the families.

Yang Yuanyuan its people: it is stronger and a little eccentric, difficult and classmates say never

Oriental Morning Post reporter Gu Jian Li Shuping Jia Shuangshuang

She was born in November 1979, six years old his father died, and his mother always had each other.

Brother: She is very loving family

Yang Yuanyuan have a younger brother, is currently a PhD candidate at Peking University School of Environment, brother Ping-Ping Yang (pseudonym) told the Post reporter yesterday, very loving family Yuan Yuan, Yuan Yuan six years old when his father died of illness, when his brother is still less than 4 years old, was mother in a remote military factory in Yichang work to go to work every day at noon to eat basically siblings sauce on the bread, there is food to eat, Yang Yuanyuan is try to let my brother eat some.

Brother, said Yang Yuanyuan, from September 2005 to September 2009 this four-year period, for excessive job, done magazine also did a small business, to support themselves and their mother, and then save money. Until 2007, Yang Yuanyuan, the Wuhan University of 3970 yuan tuition arrears still on, got the undergraduate degree certificate and diploma. During this time, the younger brother Yang Yuanyuan an straight quarters live in the school's efforts to save money, the return of their student loans.

Mother: She reveals suicide

After the incident, the police conducted a site inspection and record. Officials said that according to police transcripts display port, Yang Yuanyuan's mother told the police, "said Yang Yuanyuan in November 25 during the day told me that she lived no meaning, struggle for years wanted to change your life, but still so she says In Wuhan, on behalf of a class of her 15-year-old student committed suicide thing, as well as other local college suicide thing. "

In yesterday's interview, Young mother also confirmed that her daughter had previously revealed the "suicide" of the idea.

Classmate: She has difficulty but never say

Students reflect that Yang Yuanyuan generous and student leaders in the school has been the university also joined the party, the students have any conflicts, she also helped to mediate.

Yang Yuanyuan very strong, family difficulties, but never with classmates, friends said.

Student Office Director Liu said that she is not traveling with the students, but with a mother like a shadow. Eat together, and out of the cafeteria, but also with a walk on campus until bedtime together.

After the mother moved out of school to live,chaussures louboutin soldes, Yang Yuanyuan also still go to his mother's rental residence.

Live in the same dorm room floor, said she and her mother do not know. Among these, there is not much communication, but also the gap between students and Yang Yuanyuan relatively older in age formation. But not quite understand the reasons based on Yang Yuanyuan looked a bit eccentric.