
Wenxi Clean Energy Natural Gas Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "clean energy") is in Shanxi Wenxi 2006 investment from enterprises, mainly natural gas, coal bed methane and gas supply development and construction. After four years of development, the construction of natural gas Wenxi has taken shape, but the corporate sponsor, the former largest shareholder was behind bars.

Report Zhang Linqiang is suspected positions occupied two other shareholders Clean Energy Company: Sun County Gang and . Sun Gang Department of Yuncheng County Public Security Bureau yanhuqu ZhengKeJi police officers, Department Wenxi Development and Reform Bureau (the May 2008 retreat).

Because the civil servants, Sun and Li are in the name of their wife's shares. According to the Public Security Bureau and Wenxi investigating the case, said Ji Jianwei, Sun and Li's wife is just the name of the shareholders,hogan, the actual participation of the company's operations, meetings,air max pas cher femme, signing, even to the Public Security Bureau to report Zhang Linqiang job occupation is Sun and Li.

"It was a trap, had put our investment over, and so paved the pipeline, economic out and took our people in jail." Clean energy company's legal representative Zhang Linqiang wife Zhang Yuping said.

Development and Reform Commission approval of the project proposed by the Secretary at stake

2006, by Wenxi government investment in Sichuan in the natural gas business back to Shanxi Yuncheng Wenxi natural gas development project. Since the development of natural gas projects require the appropriate qualifications, Zhang Linqiang invited friends Chongqing Chongqing Wei Wei Sheng Gas business Development Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as "Wei Sheng Company") to develop.

Zhang Linqiang although Yuncheng, but 20 years has been in the field of business, and no deep in Yuncheng local contacts. At this time, the introduction of a relative County Sun Gang and understanding, Zhang, Wei Sun and three joint venture set up clean energy companies.

December 21, 2006, the government issued Wenxi signed authorization, consent (wenxi) County West-Leading Group Office (County Development and Reform Bureau) and Wei Sheng special operating agreement signed natural gas, franchise term for 25 years.

On this contract attorney, when he Wenxi Development and Reform Bureau of as an authorized agent of Wenxi Development and Reform Bureau signed.

December 23, 2006, Zhang Linqiang, Kyrgyzstan silver exchange (Sun County Gang's wife), Chongqing Wei Sheng Jie Gas Development Co., Ltd. held a shareholders' meeting to the company for the first time,abercrombie & fitch outlet, determined by the formation of the company for shareholders over the three parties, Zhang Linqiang for part-time manager of the company's legal representative.

According to head of the Public Security Bureau and the Commission for Discipline Inspection of the introduction Wenxi,escarpin louboutin pas cher, when the Sun County just considering their civil status, they changed the name with Kat silver shares, but the actual meetings, signed and actually participate in the company's operations, Sun himself.

Reporters noted that clean energy company in the register of shareholders became four. A signed in January 2007 "investment cooperation agreement" shows that clean energy companies by , Kyrgyzstan silver exchange, Wei Sheng and Yuncheng City Challenger Gas Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as the "Challenger Company") Quartet funded incorporated.

The detailed account of investment cooperation agreement Quartet amount and shares: "The company registered capital of 2.8 million yuan, 1.302 million yuan invested by (assessed technology stocks 1.5%), accounting for 45% of the shares of the company, he served as corporate; by Kat Silver exchange invested 1.022 million yuan (sharing technology stocks 1.5%), accounting for 35% of the shares of the company, by Wei Sheng company invested 224,000 yuan, accounting for 12% (including technology shares 4%) shares of the company, the company invested 252,000 yuan by Challenger (sharing technology stocks 1%), accounting for 8% of shares of the company. "

Why increase the Challenger's new shareholders do? Materials provided, according said: "When the company registration required documents wenxi Development and Reform Bureau of Trade and Industry Bureau was given for the record, when he was Secretary of Development and Reform forced to ask for 10% stake in the company, or do not give the file, no way, after consultation we gave him 8% of the shares. "

wife Zhang Yuping told the China Youth Daily reporter: "Challenger wenxi company originally planned to develop natural gas projects, but has not done it, the Challenger actual person in charge of Yuncheng."

According Sun County Gang, Li Tianhu common friend, informed the matter Sichuan businessman poon said: "Challenger is the name of the company, in fact, this is 8% stake, but when he was made Secretary Reform Bureau, Go to their own name inconvenient. "

March 23, reporters from the Bureau Wenxi able to get a clean corporate dossiers. Material entitled "Yuncheng City Challenger Gas Co. It was decided," the show August 10,air max pas cher, 2008, Challenger will clean transfer of shares to the company, the shareholders of the company are no longer served.

According to archival material reporter acquired businesses in an equity transfer agreement shows that Challenger will hold shares of 8% (total 720,000 yuan) transferred to Zhang Xiulan.

Reporters from multiple verification Wenxi Public Security Bureau, Wenxi Ji Jianwei, etc., Zhang Xiulan Department wife.

Why Challenger chose at this time to transfer the shares to Zhang Xiulan it? According to a person familiar with the matter said the insider, when the Li Tianhu from the Development and Reform Bureau Wenxi position back.

March 23, the 24th, reporters repeatedly call Li Tianhu phone, concurrent messages, but still no answer and reply. Reporters from Wenxi Development and Reform Bureau, a deputy director of the strengths informed was in May 2008 from the Secretary on the development and reform of any retreat.

12% of the shares of disagreement

It is noteworthy, also in August 10, 2008, Wei Sheng decided 12% stake will be held by the Company in clean energy (total 1.08 million yuan) transferred to . August 17, Wei Sheng and Zhang Linqiang formally signed a share transfer agreement.

Industrial and commercial enterprises archives show that on August 17, clean energy company held a shareholders 'meeting, agreed to the above two equity transfer by Zhang Linqiang, Kyrgyzstan silver exchange,http://sillydog.org, Zhang Xiulan establishment of a new shareholders' meeting. The shareholder resolution on there , Kyrgyzstan silver exchange,http://bbs.52yxyx.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=752843,nike tn pas cher, Zhang Xiulan's signature, but involved in the matter, a source told reporters, "to participate in the meeting and signed by the fact that the Sun County Gang and ."

Minutes of a meeting of shareholders will be displayed, Sun Gang and county attended the meeting, in the "department formed" part, "wrote the daily Sunzong solely responsible for internal affairs. Marketing Board helped mainly by Lee in charge of business contacts, the relevant departments with the completion. "

August 20, 2008, wenxi clean energy gas company shareholders constitute modified, the modified "total share capital of 9,000,000 yuan by (57%), Kyrgyzstan silver change (35%) and Zhang Xiulan ( 8%) constituted. "

September 5,abercrombie outlet, 2008, clean energy companies in the industrial and commercial bureau conducted Wenxi change of registration, shareholders of the company officially became Zhanglin Qiang, Ji and Zhang Xiulan three silver exchange.

Wei Sheng's why the transfer of shares? According to materials provided said, "In 2008, Li Tianhu, Sun County just designed to Chongqing Wei Pianzhi Yuncheng, threats, intimidation allow Wei to leave the company."

But poon, said Sheng Li Weiwei's use of qualifications obtained Wenxi gas development on the franchise, will be pushed out of Wei Jie to the company, there are 's behest, "Li Wei was very angry that they are In burning bridges. "

March 24, reporters repeatedly linked Li Wei, Li Wei, but did not answer the phone.

According to Zhang Linqiang said Li Wei returned to Chongqing to call him after that clean energy company that he quit, the 12% of the shares sold to him. Zhang Linqiang to 650,Hogan outlet,000 yuan to Li Wei, 12% of the shares (including 4% technology stocks) bought.

Poon that contradiction and Sun County Gang resulting.

Poon said Sun County Gang said Li Wei to withdraw the shares should be divided equally among the three of them, not by a purchase. Then have the back of Li Tianhu also consider themselves too small stake in the company, requiring increased. In addition, according poon, said at the time of registration company, Zhanglin Qiang Li Tianhu had promised, the back can be to clean energy company, and give its "open higher wages, with the car." But to work after the company brought 2,hogan 2014,000 yuan monthly salary, has not offered to their cars, which makes dissatisfied.

November 2009, clean energy companies invested 4 million yuan preparations for the establishment of secondary Wenxi East Town Branch, Li Tianhu again request to reallocate the shares, but was rejected contradictions two further deepened.

The defendant job occupation

April 23,http://www.aurosiksha.org/login/index.php?item/create_form/1, 2010, Zhang Linqiang is being Yuncheng city police officers from the Public Security Bureau Yuncheng Wenxi brought to Wenxi, he was told that someone reported job occupation, asking them to accept the investigation.

March 23, 2011, Wenxi County Public Security Bureau who participated in the case handled by police officers surnamed Zhang in an interview with China Youth Daily reporter, said that in April 2010, it was reported to the Public Security Bureau Wenxi job occupation Jie Zhang Linqiang to the company more than 400 million. April 23,http://www.prco.jp/~shake/apeboard/apeboard_plus.cgi?command=read_message&msgnum=40/, Wenxi County Public Security Bureau accepted the case, and to clean energy companies access to the financial information,chaussure nike tn requin pas cher, but found Zhang Linqiang not in the company, "also can not contact,http://www.gzbbangz.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=749003," and then it will be back to Wen Zhang Linqiang from Yuncheng hi, asking him to cooperate with the investigation.

April 25,chaussure louboutin pas cher, 2010 morning, Wenxi County Public Security Bureau issued a residential surveillance to Zhang Linqiang decision.

Wenxi County Public Security Bureau, a main person in charge told reporters: "It is to the Public Security Bureau report the Sun County Gang and ." The official said, in the case of the investigation they found that "Kyrgyzstan silver change and Zhang Xiulan only nominal shareholder, Sun Gang and Li Tianhu counties are involved. "

It is made of a material handwritten, said April 25 that he was under surveillance that day, "Sun County just printed it took a change of corporate and financial books for me to sign, I was refused."

County and Sun Gang, when relations the impasse,http://fitpath.org/activity/p/1140121/, their mutual friend poon dozens Yuncheng from Sichuan to coordinate. According poon, said Sun Li duo that "the transfer of 12% shares of Li Wei out to everyone next assignment," and promised to allocate finished, write to the Public Security Bureau Withdrawn materials.

After several coordination, Zhang Linqiang agreed to transfer 12% of the shares of Sun and Li. Evening of May 3, Sun County Gang, and is being monitored residence signed a share transfer agreement.

The equity transfer agreement to get the China Youth Daily reporter showed will transfer 57% stake it holds 12% of shares to Kyrgyzstan silver exchange, the transfer price of 1.08 million yuan, changed after the transfer of the shares was 45%, Kyrgyzstan silver exchange becomes 47% of the shares. Then tripartite meeting of shareholders also carried out, which Earnings book display, Kyrgyzstan silver exchange replace Zhang Linqiang become executive director, manager, Zhang Xiulan become supervisor of the company.

That night, on the equity transfer agreement, the shareholders' meeting resolution signed. But he later said: "On the surface of this 12% stake is to go to Sun County just love Kat silver traded under the name, in fact, the two of them made an appointment,moncler outlet online,http://karua.at.webry.info, when one half of the dividend that 12% of the shares, although agreement on. written purchase 1.08 million in cash, but the fact is idling, Li Tianhu, Sun County just did not pay. "

Poon, said: "As far as I know, they did not give Zhang Linqiang money, Sun County Gang and Li Tianhu was raised to idle, and so resolved to implement this thing afterwards." Poon believes that Zhang Linqiang reason it did not get the money signed the agreement, "because he wanted to come out early, to get things settled."

12% of the share transfer, but the Sun County Gang, Li Tianhu has not yet been written off the case materials. Around May 20, when a close relative coordination with the Sun County just this, Sun County has just put forward for the loss caused to the clean energy companies to pay it, "to give 15% of the shares, to not to come up with two million yuan. "

Zhang Linqiang rejected the request. Poon again intervene to coordinate the matter, but to no avail.

According to the reporter, the transfer of shares in 12 percent of the next day, May 4, 2010, it was to apply for Trade and Industry Bureau Wenxi legal representative to Kyrgyzstan by silver change, and change the business license.

Civil shares business has been verified

March 23 afternoon, the reporter arrived at the West Wenxi Xing Wen's clean energy companies. The company's office staff surnamed Shao, said Zhang Xiulan and Kat silver exchange usually come to work, but not in the company today, "Zhang Xiulan guilty of headaches to go to Beijing to see a doctor, and Girardi went to open a conference on the gas."

When a reporter asked whether the Sun County Gang and Li Tianhu to the company at work, the staff member surnamed Shao said Li Tianhu "played a few days in the company's work, we do not fight." Sun County Gang, "a nod to the company, did not work too."

"They do a factory investment shares his wife to care care is normal." The staff member said.

But Wenxi Public Security Bureau, a leading official told reporters: " and Sun counties are involved in the company recently, and even complain to the Public Security Bureau are two of them."

"Zhang Xiulan and Kat silver companies simply do not change that Li Tianhu and Sun County just use their wife's name should be the name of a shareholder, in fact, Li and Sun are involved in the operation, which is already verified the." Wenxi County Public Security Bureau, which Bit main person in charge said.

The responsible person, Li Tianhu, Sun County just reported Zhang Linqiang positions occupied a few million, but only six currently verified by the public security organs, the total 676,358 yuan.

According to the survey, in the investigation process, the Sun and Li Zhang Linqiang job occupation has reported more than 270 million, but the preliminary conclusions of this investigation after the public security organs is " not suspected of job occupation."

According to police investigators involved in the full name of Zhang, August 26, 2010, the Public Security Bureau will be Zhang Linqiang Wenxi suspected positions occupied a case of material transferred Wenxi Procuratorate prosecution, but twice returned to request Wenxi Procuratorate supplementary investigation .

March 23, reporters to interview Wenxi Procuratorate, the staff informed the Attorney General does not. Reporters call the Attorney General Zhang Zhijian, Zhang Zhijian, said on Procuratorate has prosecuted the case.

According to the survey, this year on February 11,http://www.fumo-shop.com, Wenxi procuratorate has approved the arrest of . But wife Zhang Yuping said, until today she has not received any notice about her husband was arrested.

March 23 afternoon, Wenxi Zhaohu Min Ji Jianwei, deputy director, told reporters that Li Tianhu Sun lover behalf of the county just to the fact that clean energy company's shares have been ascertained, the recent Litian Hu will make a deal. Zhaohu Min said, because the Sun is just Yuncheng yanhuqu county public officials, they have no right to treatment, "the material has been transferred to the City Commission for Discipline Inspection and yanhuqu Commission for Discipline Inspection."

March 24 morning, the reporter went to the Yuncheng City yanhuqu JiJianWei, Commission for Discipline Inspection secretary of the district but said there was no report received shares of Sun County just business materials.

Reporter then called the Yuncheng City Commission for Discipline Inspection secretary Zhao Jianping phone, he said, "is in a meeting", and then I hung up the phone.

Newspaper Shanxi Electric wenxi March 27